What Every 1099 Employee Should Know About Their Taxes

By Top Tax Staff

We live in the age of the 1099 employee. A recent study found that an estimated 15% of employees are independent contractors. Other studies estimate that number to be ever higher. With cost savings for employers, flexibility and other personal benefits for employees, it is no surprise that hiring practices in many industries are starting to include an increasing amount of independent contractors. But as a self-employed contractor, you should understand your tax obligations and responsibilities to avoid entanglements with the IRS.

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Four Tax Debt Relief Options to Lower Your Tax Burden

By Top Tax Staff

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in January 2017 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

The IRS can use a host of methods to collect on your back taxes. It can levy your assets, put a lien on your income, and use other means to recoup your government debt.

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Questions About Wage Garnishments? We Have Answers

By Top Tax Staff

Experiencing a wage garnishment can be an unsettling and stressful situation. If you've recently received notice that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or another government agency plans to garnish your wages to collect unpaid taxes or other debts, you're not alone in feeling concerned or confused about what happens next. Wage garnishment is a significant financial challenge, and it's entirely normal to have questions and worries about the process, its implications, and how to navigate through it. Below, we'll provide you with information to help you better understand what wage garnishment entails, your rights and options, and steps you can take to address this situation and regain control of your financial well-being.

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Can You File a Second Tax Extension?

By Top Tax Staff

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in October 2019 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

You knew you weren’t going to make the tax filing deadline last April, so you requested an extension. But now that second deadline has come and gone. Can you file for another extension?

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My Spouse Owes the IRS Money. Am I Liable?

By Top Tax Staff

Marriage involves the merging of many aspects of life, including finances. While this union brings numerous benefits, it also raises questions about potential liabilities, especially when it comes to taxes. If your spouse owes money to the IRS, you might be wondering if you could be held responsible for their tax debt. At Top Tax Defenders, we're here to shed light on the subject and help you navigate the complexities of spousal tax liability.

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Here Are All the Different Ways to Pay Your Taxes

By Top Tax Staff

When tax season rolls around, it's important to know the various methods available for settling your tax bill. We understand that navigating tax payment options can sometimes be confusing. In this post, we'll walk you through the different ways you can pay your taxes, making the process smoother and more convenient for you.

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Student Loan Tax Deductions: What You Need to Know in 2023

By Top Tax Staff

As the cost of higher education continues to rise, student loans have become a reality for millions of individuals pursuing their academic dreams. While managing student loan debt can be challenging, there is a silver lining for borrowers: potential tax deductions that can provide some relief. In 2023, understanding the intricacies of student loan tax deductions is crucial for maximizing your financial benefits. In this post, we'll walk you through the key points of student loan tax deductions, helping you make informed decisions and potentially reduce your tax burden.

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Tax Implications for Different Business Structures

By Top Tax Staff

As a new business owner, one of the most critical decisions you'll make is choosing the right business structure. Your choice will not only affect your company's legal standing but also its tax responsibilities, liability, and overall financial well-being. In this blog post, we'll delve into the tax implications of different business structures, including sole proprietorship, limited liability company (LLC), and corporation, so you can make an informed decision that aligns with your business goals and don't miss anything when it comes time to pay taxes.

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Why is My Tax Refund Smaller This Year?

By Top Tax Staff

Tax refunds have been 10% smaller than last year’s. The average refund dropped 9.8% from 2022 to $2,910. Why? Why has this happened? 

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How to Negotiate a Payment Plan With the IRS

By Top Tax Staff

It is now past Tax Day, and if you're taking stock of their tax liabilities and saying, “Yikes!” - you're not along. Many people are watching as their tax debt keeps growing with interest and penalties and wonder where it all stops.

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